Site Update Reports for the Year 2012

Update: December 12, 2012

National Grid has received permit approval from the US Army Corps of Engineers to implement the Remedial Design Pilot Study at the Citizens former MGP Site.  State approval from the Department of Water Resources is also required and is expected shortly. Approvals from a number of other federal and state agencies have also been received.  We anticipate beginning the study early in 2013.  The remedial construction work will not be performed until the Pilot Study has been completed and the Remedial Design is submitted to and accepted by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). The pilot study will include:

  1. Investigation of the bulkhead structures on Parcel II (the location of the active concrete plant) between the existing cribbing supports and the dock structures;
  2. Investigation of the existing historic bulkhead on Parcel III, which is the former distribution warehouse, near the end of Huntington Street;
  3. Investigation of the condition of the Bond-Lorraine Street Sewer that runs across the site between Bond and Smith Streets (at Huntington St);
  4. Installation of test sheet piles along the bulkhead on Parcel II;
  5. Installation of sheet pile barrier wall elements on Parcel III to evaluate sheet pile interlock seal configurations, and constructability;
  6. Evaluation of sheet pile grouting alternatives.

National Grid and its contractors have completed a significant portion of the proposed scope of the off-site SRI Work Plan and SRI Work Plan Addendum (posted on the Website). The off-site investigation is focused on the areas north, east and south of the MGP Site to complete the off-site remedial investigation.  Work is presently ongoing to the south of the site and is expected to be completed by the end of November.  Other areas will be investigated as access is granted to related properties.

National Grid has also begun contacting property owners in the area of Smith and Luquer Streets regarding preconstruction property surveys, prior to commencement of the Pilot Study.  National Grid conducts these surveys to protect property owners in the unlikely event that damage occurs from vibrations during construction work.  As part of this program, National Grid may ask several property owners to permit active sound and vibration monitoring to be conducted during normal construction hours to gauge the noise and vibration levels during construction activities.  This will help us determine if a particular operation may lead to undesirable results and we can modify our operations accordingly.

National Grid has been performing and improving a DNAPL collection and removal program from wells installed on Parcels I, II and III.  The purpose of this program is to remove as much coal tar as practical by pumping it out of the ground.  To date, our program has removed nearly 18,000 gallons of mostly coal tar from the subsurface and we continue to develop methods to make this operation more efficient and optimize recoveries.  The DNAPL system and storage facilities were secured prior to Hurricane Sandy, and no release of product occurred during the storm.  The system is again up and running.

National Grid is committed to protecting the public, our workers and contractors, and the environment from potential hazards associated with cleanup activities. Public safety is managed with oversight from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH). Every investigation and remedial measure is conducted under a Health and Safety Plan approved by the NYSDEC and the NYSDOH. For more information about the Pilot Test Work Plan, click here or go to Key Documents/Major Reports and click on the link to the Citizens Pilot Test Work Plan.


Update, May 9, 2012

National Grid is seeking necessary permit approvals from state and federal agencies so it can begin a Remedial Design Pilot Study at the Citizens former MGP Site.  We anticipate beginning the study in Winter 2012/2013.  The remedial construction work will not be performed until the Pilot Study has been completed and the Remedial Design is submitted to and accepted by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC). The pilot study will include:

  1. Investigation of the bulkhead structures on Parcel II (the location of the active concrete plant) between the existing cribbing supports and the dock structures;
  2. Investigation of the existing historic bulkhead on Parcel III, which is the former distribution warehouse, near the end of Huntington Street;
  3. Investigation of the condition of the Bond-Lorraine Street Sewer that runs across the site between Bond and Smith Streets (at Huntington St);
  4. Installation of sheet piles along the bulkhead on Parcel II;
  5. Installation of sheetpile barrier wall elements on Parcel III to evaluate sheet pile interlock seal configurations;
  6. Evaluation of sheet pile grouting alternatives.

Within the off-site area, investigations will focus on the areas north, east and south of the MGP Site to complete the off-site remedial investigation.  Work will commence after owners have granted access to these private properties.  The approved work plan dated February 13 and the NYSDEC approval letter dated February 14 is posted on this website and can be accessed by going to the Key Documents section under Major Reports.

National Grid also will be contacting property owners in the area of Smith and Luquer Streets regarding preconstruction property surveys, prior to commencement of the Pilot Study.  National Grid conducts these surveys to protect property owners in the unlikely event that damage occurs from vibrations during construction work.  As part of this program, National Grid may ask several property owners to permit active sound and vibration monitoring be conducted during normal construction hours to gauge the noise and vibration levels during construction activities.  This will help us determine if a particular operation may lead to undesireable results and we can modify our operations accordingly. 

National Grid has been performing and perfecting a DNAPL collection and removal program from wells installed on Parcels I, II and III.  The purpose of this program is to remove as much coal tar as practical by pumping it out of the ground.  To date, our program has removed over 13,000 gallons of mostly coal tar from within the subsurface and we continue to develop methods to make this operation more efficient and optimize recoveries.

Supplemental investigations required for developing underground remedial design solutions has started at the Citizens Site on Parcel III.  This investigation program involves the installation of geotechnical and environmental borings.  Findings will be used as appropriate in the development of an enhanced DNAPL (coal tar) recovery or excavation program. On Parcel I (the vacant lot that formerly housed the majority of the former MGP), pilot wells will be installed below the elevation of the former holders. Where appropriate, the wells, including those mentioned above, will later be converted to long-term recovery wells. Other recovery techniques may be evaluated.  The work plan designed to facilitate this work is dated March 13 and was approved. This field work is planned to start May 2012.

National Grid is committed to protecting the public, our workers and contractors, and the environment from potential hazards associated with cleanup activities. Public safety is managed with oversight from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and the New York State Department of Health. Every investigation and remedial measure is conducted under a Health and Safety Plan approved by the NYSDEC and the NYSDOH. For more information about the Pilot Studies, click here or go to Key Documents/Major Reports and click on the link to the Citizens Pilot Study Work Plan.


Update, January 23, 2012

The Remedial Design Pilot Study at the Citizens Site, as described below, is now planned for mid-2012, depending on permit approvals from the involved State and Federal agencies. No intrusive remedial work will be conducted until the Pilot Study has been completed and the Remedial Design submitted to and accepted by the NYSDEC.

Supplemental investigations required for developing underground remedial design solutions will be implemented at the Citizens Site in the first quarter of 2012. These findings will be used as appropriate in the development of a revised excavation program. On Parcel I (the vacant lot that formerly housed the majority of the former MGP) pilot wells will be installed below the elevation of the former holders. Where appropriate, the wells will later be converted to long-term recovery wells. Other recovery techniques may be evaluated. A work plan is in final development for review and approval by the NYSDEC.

The Remedial Design pilot study field testing is planned for mid-2012. This will include:

Within the Off-Site Area, investigations will focus on the areas north, east and south of the Site.

National Grid is committed to protecting the public, our workers and contractors, and the environment from potential hazards associated with cleanup activities. Public safety is managed with oversight from the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and the New York State Department of Health. Every investigation and remedial measure is conducted under a Health and Safety Plan approved by the NYSDEC and the NYSDOH. For more information about the Pilot Studies click here or go to Key Documents/Major Reports and click on the link to the Citizens Pilot Study Work Plan.

End of Updates